Whitehill End of Term Bulletin: May 24th 2024
As we approach the final term and reflect upon the year so far, there has been so much amazing learning and memories being formed. We are very proud of how much the children have grown as people.
Our year 6 students approached the end of Key Stage SATs last week with calmness, resilience and fortitude. They are a credit to the school and very much maturing in readiness for Secondary.
The team at Whitehill are already having conversations and putting plans in place to support all of our children with the transition into new classes and schools. Secondary schools have already started visiting our year 6 pupils in readiness for September. We will be having a whole school transition day on July 4th. Before then, the children will receive a welcome letter from their new class teachers and support staff. More information regarding transition will follow in the new term but in the meantime, should you have any specific concerns regarding transition, please speak to your child's class teachers.
We hope that you enjoy reading about some of this term's highlights below. You can find out more regarding the learning of specific year groups by going to the learning tab of this website.
Wishing you all a safe and happy half-term break. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 3rd of June!
Best wishes,
Angela Carpenter
Headteacher & the Whitehill Team
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